Aryan Deora

UI Engineer with a passion for design and open source.

Selected Work
TanStack Logo
Project Type
Open Source
Project Description
Redesigned the devtools for Tanstack Query, making them framework-agnostic using SolidJS! Now, the same devtools work seamlessly with React Query, Vue Query, Solid Query, Svelte, and Angular Query. All powered by a single SolidJS core.
Project Name
Project Type
Coming Soon
Project Description
A Bollywood song guessing game, inspired by Wordle. Coming soon!
Solid Toast Logo
Project Type
Open Source
Project Description
A lightweight, easy-to-use library for adding customizable toast notifications to your SolidJS apps. With a tiny bundle size and ready-to-use default toasts, it's perfect for getting users up and running fast!
SolidJS Logo
Project Type
Open Source
Project Description
Developed and maintain Solid Query, the SolidJS version of Tanstack Query, a powerful async state manager for handling API queries and async functions. Solid Query runs isomorphically, meaning it works seamlessly on both the server and client — enabling server-side rendering on first load and fast future navigations with cached data.
Project Type
Full Time
Project Description
Worked full-time as a full-stack engineer, focusing on frontend technologies. Led the development of GlobalNOC's design system and networking layer, creating high-performance, type-safe web applications.
Learn With Jason
Had a fun chat with Jason Lengstorf on the Learn With Jason show, demoing the magic of Astro Islands and the framework-agnostic core of Tanstack Query. We built an app using React, SolidJS, Vue, and Svelte components, all sharing the same query cache. API data was deduped across all components, making updates super efficient and smooth.